Join us at Vitafoods India 2025

Valens is proud to partner with Inhalation Health, one of India’s major distributors of Nutriceuticals and Functional ingredients, to introduce our Q10Vital [...]

Q10Vital® to Showcase at Supply Side East After Successful Run at Supply Side West

In a strategic move aimed at broadening our reach and fostering deeper engagement with potential partners, Valens, already renowned for their world-class [...]
quality supplements

What defines quality in food supplement industry: Part 3

Whom do you trust when it comes to food supplements manufacturers? How do you evaluate quality of food supplements? What even defines quality in nutritional [...]
Dietary supplements

Who needs dietary supplements: Part 2

The human body relies on hundreds of vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, minerals and fatty acids to optimally function. A balanced diet should provide [...]
Food supplements

Food supplements 101: Part 1

In the post-lockdown world consumers have increasingly turned to supplementation and the food supplements market is blooming more than ever. The global market [...]

Ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol – does it matter? 

Since the discovery and arrival of ubiquinol on the global market, consumers as well as scientists have been baffled. Somewhat falsifying marketing imposed a [...]
SupplySide West

Meet us at supply side west

SupplySide West, USA’s most anticipated and largest event for health and nutrition professionals is almost upon us. With the trade show attracting more than [...]

Valens – Vitafoods 2022

Valens' participation at Geneva's Vitafoods, Europe's most relevant nutraceutical event, is becoming a tradition. After a year of absence, we were glad to be [...]

Revolutionary research findings – infographic

Results of our most recent bioequivalence study, investigating bioavailability of ubiquinone, have been published on Natural Products Insider, the leading [...]